//  Shared prop script (alpha) v0.04b
//  - Allows props to be "shared" i.e. props will rez while any one of a number
//    of POSE/SYNC are playing for any avatar.
//  - Also replaces the need for the "Rez Same Prop for Several Poses" script.
//  - Requires [AV]prop script from AVsitter2 box 2.1-09 or later.
//  - Shared props should use PROP3 in the AVpos notecard (a special prop type
//    specifically for shared props).
//  - Shared props can be set up in SITTER 0 section of the AVpos notecard in a
//    regular setup prim, or in a dedicated rezzer prim.
//  - Props for a specific sitter can use PROP, PROP1 or PROP2.
//  - All props referenced by this script should be named different from pose
//    names (unlike basic props, which do have names that match poses).
//  - SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES is your list of SITTER#, PROP names, and
//    POSE/SYNC names the props are for.
//    e.g: 0, "weights", "stand1,stand2"
//  - SITTER with -1 indicates the prop is for all sitters (i.e. shared prop,
//    that should use PROP3 in the AVpos notecard).
//    e.g: -1,"prop1", "sit1,sit2,sit3"
//  - "*" for POSE name indicates the prop should rez for all poses.

        -1, "prop1",   "sit1,sit2,sit3",
        -1, "prop2",   "sit4,sync2",
        -1, "prop3",   "sync1,sync2",
         0, "hat",     "*",
         0, "weights", "weights1,weights2",
         1, "weights", "weights1,weights2"

list SITTER_PRIMS;              // which prims have AVsitter setups
list SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM;      // which poses are playing for each sitter in each prim
list SITTERS_BY_PRIM;           // which sitters are occupied in each setup prim
list REZZED;                    // which props are rezzed, for which avatars
integer ANY_SITTERS;            // if avatars are sitting

    integer i;
    for (; i < llGetListLength(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES); i += 3)
        integer wasRezzed = llList2Integer(REZZED, i);
        integer forSitter = llList2Integer(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i);
        list    poses     = llParseString2List(llList2String(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i + 2), [","], []);

        integer j;
        for (; j < llGetListLength(poses); j++)
            integer k;
            for (; k < llGetListLength(SITTER_PRIMS); k++)
                list SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM, k), ["|"], []);

                integer found = llListFindList(SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM, [llList2String(poses, j)]);
                if ((~found) || llList2String(poses, j) == "*")
                    list SITTERS_IN_PRIM = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(SITTERS_BY_PRIM, k), ["|"], []);

                    integer l = found;
                    for (; l < llGetListLength(SITTERS_IN_PRIM); l++)
                        if (forSitter == -1 || forSitter == l)
                            if ((llList2String(SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM, l) == llList2String(poses, j) || llList2String(poses, j) == "*") && llList2String(SITTERS_IN_PRIM, l) != "")
                                if (!llList2Integer(REZZED, i))
                                    string uuid;
                                    if (forSitter == l)
                                        uuid = llList2String(SITTERS_IN_PRIM,l);

//                                  llOwnerSay("===REZ====" + llList2String(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i + 1) + "for uuid:" + uuid);

//                                  rez our prop
                                    llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 90220, llList2String(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i + 1), uuid);

                                    REZZED = llListReplaceList(REZZED, [TRUE, uuid], i, i + 1);
                                jump done;
        if (wasRezzed)
            string uuid;
            if (~llList2Integer(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i))
                uuid = llList2String(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i);

//          llOwnerSay("===DEREZ====" + llList2String(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i + 1) + "for uuid:" + uuid);

//          remove our prop
            llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 90220, "remprop_" + llList2String(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, i + 1), uuid);

            REZZED = llListReplaceList(REZZED, [FALSE], i, i);

list fill_array(integer x)
    list array;

    integer i;
    for (; i < x; i++)
        array += "";

    return array;

        REZZED = fill_array(llGetListLength(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES));

    link_message(integer sender, integer num, string msg, key id)
//      if props were cleared with a BUTTON
        if (msg == "[CLEAR]")
            REZZED = fill_array(llGetListLength(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES));
//      pose played
        else if (num == 90045)
            list    data                 = llParseStringKeepNulls(msg, ["|"], []);
            integer SITTER_NUMBER        = (integer)llList2String(data, 0);
            string  POSE_NAME            = llList2String(data, 1);
            list    SITTERS_IN_PRIM      = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(data, 4), ["@"], []);
            list    LAST_SITTERS_IN_PRIM;
            list    SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM;

            integer index = llListFindList(SITTER_PRIMS, [sender]);
            if (~index)
                SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM, index), ["|"], []);
                SITTER_PRIMS         = llDeleteSubList(SITTER_PRIMS, index, index);
                SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM = llDeleteSubList(SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM, index, index);
                LAST_SITTERS_IN_PRIM = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(SITTERS_BY_PRIM, index), ["|"], []);
                SITTERS_BY_PRIM      = llDeleteSubList(SITTERS_BY_PRIM, index, index);

//              if the sitters have swapped, consider any props for the changed sitters derezzed
                integer i;
                for (; i < llGetListLength(LAST_SITTERS_IN_PRIM); i++)
                    if (llList2String(SITTERS_IN_PRIM, i) != llList2String(LAST_SITTERS_IN_PRIM, i))
                        integer j;
                        for (; j < llGetListLength(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES); j += 3)
                            if (llList2Integer(SITTER_PROPS_N_POSES, j) == i)
                                REZZED = llListReplaceList(REZZED, [FALSE, ""], j, j + 1);
//                              llOwnerSay("rezzed:" + llList2CSV(REZZED));
                SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM = fill_array(llGetListLength(SITTERS_IN_PRIM));

            SITTER_PRIMS         += sender;
            SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM += llDumpList2String(SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM, "|");
            SITTERS_BY_PRIM      += llDumpList2String(SITTERS_IN_PRIM, "|");

//      sitter stands
        else if (num == 90065)
            integer index = llListFindList(SITTER_PRIMS, [sender]);
            if (~index)
                list SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM, index), ["|"], []);
                     SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM = llListReplaceList(SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM, [""], (integer)msg, (integer)msg);
                     SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM = llListReplaceList(SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM, [llDumpList2String(SITTER_POSES_IN_PRIM, "|")], index, index);
                list SITTERS_IN_PRIM      = llParseStringKeepNulls(llList2String(SITTERS_BY_PRIM, index), ["|"], []);
                     SITTERS_IN_PRIM      = llListReplaceList(SITTERS_IN_PRIM, [""], (integer)msg, (integer)msg);
                     SITTERS_BY_PRIM      = llListReplaceList(SITTERS_BY_PRIM, [llDumpList2String(SITTERS_IN_PRIM, "|")], index, index);


    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
            integer IS_SITTER;

//          someone is sitting
            if (llGetAgentSize(llGetLinkKey(llGetNumberOfPrims())) != <0,0,0>)
                IS_SITTER = TRUE;
                SITTER_PRIMS         = [];
                SITTER_POSES_BY_PRIM = [];
                SITTERS_BY_PRIM      = [];

            if (IS_SITTER != ANY_SITTERS)
                ANY_SITTERS = IS_SITTER;
